I am really passionate about how we learn and acquire knowledge. How can we make learning meaningful and fun?
As I read that "To think is to be able to acquire and apply knowledge". I wonder, if sometimes we focus more on the acquisition part than the application of it. We show its applications from our point of view. But, Are we giving children enough time to find the relationships and generalizations of the concepts from their perspective?
I like Piagetian perspective on cognition and celebrate the fact that he considers that knowledge is “an interpretation of reality that the learner actively and internally constructs by interacting with it”.
During a meeting with the director of our pre-school, we were talking about the multiple intelligences theory. She presented an interesting idea. It is important to use all the intelligences to teach children but it is also important to use children’s plasticity capabilities during early childhood education to develop other intelligences. Once you identify the strongest intelligence in the child, start by introducing concepts though its strongest intelligence. Then, you can work on developing other intelligences that are not the strongest ones with the activity.
Brain based research also shows the importance of relationships over facts stating that the brain is run by patterns rather than facts.
I think cognition and especially the “skills of inquiry” are probably the most important. "Inquiry" is defined as "a seeking for truth, information, or knowledge -- seeking information by questioning." Without them knowledge is not internalized in a meaningful way. It is not conscious.
Source: Beginnings and Beyond. Gordon, Browne
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